Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Sanctuary without an Altar

I have been inviting friends to contribute to this blog by writing about their personal altars and have found there are a number of people who, like me, don't have one specific place designated to display their sacred treasures. But instead, have several places around their living space both inside and outside where they have placed a statue, found items, or sacred gifts. For many of us who live alone, all of our home is a sanctuary of sorts.

My personal meditative art pieces aren't intrusive to anyone's space, nor are they vulnerable to the tiny hands of curious children. They are just there because I want them there, no explanation is needed. For example, I have Ganesh, Kwan Yin, and a candle on my dresser in the bedroom where I like to do yoga. Whatever support is needed at the time - a reminder to have compassion for myself or others, or a reminder that we can overcome all kinds of obstacles, that particular statue comes forward with a votive candle to become the focal point during that meditation.

I invite you readers to write, and send photos if you like, describing your meditative spaces or altars. You can send them via email to nancy@creatingquietspaces.com and I will post them on the blog.


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